Originally posted by Seaver
Ok, you guys need to open your eyes.
A girl asking you out is just an extention of what every single girl does. When you approach a girl she already has you tagged. From the first approach she tags you as interested or not. They all give hundreds of extreamly subtle hints that if you dont know to look for you're just walking blind into traffic.
these "hints" are usually not given off consciously. They are merely responses to your actions. If your actions are of a confident, exciting guy (think Brad Pitt in fight club) she'll throw you some eye contact. When you come up to her, and start talking, she will either realize that you're funny, interesting, and exciting and so open right up to you, or think you are too good to be true, and start giving you little tests to gauge your response to see if you really are different from other guys.
Girls DO ask guys out, but nonverbally. (Body Language stuff here)
all this bodylanguage stuff is just an indicator of how well you're hitting it off. Don't be turned off if she crosses her arms, or turns away from you, or doesn't have her palms up when using arm gestures. Collectively they send a message, but some of them are just movements, and if she is laughing and having fun don't worry about her body language, unless everything shows she wants to get away.
And if she is into you, start holding her hand(s), her side, and escalate it. Our sense of touch is one of the most powerful connecting senses we have. For example, you can talk to a person, and as they talk you can feel drawn to this person, because as they talk, the more comfortable you feel with this person. And as you are talking, if they reach out and touch your hand, it can send shivers down your spine, like little pinpricks on your skin. Find an excuse to touch, she'll love it.
This whole thing about power struggle is, I'm sorry but IMO a load of crap. EVERY woman is turned on by a man who takes charge. If she approaches you, you pick a place to go. Have a backup plan. You pick the next 4-6 dates at absolute least. You dont see women being swept off their feet by men who ask "... I dont know what do you want to do?".
The thing is, it's not a struggle. In the first stages of the relationship, you'll either fall into one role or the other. I don't see anywhere that I said that being submissive would be a good thing to do. I want to say this to all the girls that read this too. Do NOT be submissive to your partner. A healthy relationship is one where both sides hold equal say in what goes on.