Originally posted by Lebell
So discrimination is ok so long as it is only a little?
And as to seeing others eating pork; please give me a break. I can't speak for England, but in America, you don't have the right not to be offended (at least theoretically).
All I can see is that you are defending the concept of legalized segregation.
Well, there we go. Defeated on your arguement, you move on to pastures new.
I'm not defending legalized segregation, I'm defending the right of people to live in a segment of the community that they can feel comfortable in and be catered for _on their own terms_.
Not as a burden, not as a single item 'menu option' but wholly and completely catered for.
There is a difference between segregation via dogs, guns and "WHITES ONLY" signs and voluntary retreat into sanctuaries of shared belief, culture and lifestyle - which, as pointed out, are not complete monocultures.
And the pork thing.... *sniffs bait, turns away*