Rediculous assertion ALERT:
Originally posted by Seaver
I know for a fact that 65% of enlisted are on food stamps...
I seriously doubt this to be a
FACT...and would appreciate a source for this assertion. Without a credible source this will be bold faced LIE imho.
Maybe 65% percent of e-2's and 3's who have over five children. MAYBE...
That out of the way,
GI bill is not really a good way to ~pay~ for your studies as it is a small monthly stipend payed while attending classes and maintaining your grades, in order to assist with the education process, over a certain amount of time, upto the maximun allowable benefit. It will not pay your tuition.
It is a good way to keep food on the table or the rent paid.
It's been ten years since I used my GI Bill bennies, and that is how I remember them working.
Don't be mesmorized by the total possible dollar value of the benefit. If you do you are sure to be disappointed and disgruntled.
Other then that I highly encourage a tour in the Marine Corps. Best experience of my life, although I wouldn't sign on for the reasons you presented.
Good Luck,