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Old 04-27-2004, 10:22 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Location: Fort Worth, TX
Ok, you guys need to open your eyes.

A girl asking you out is just an extention of what every single girl does. When you approach a girl she already has you tagged. From the first approach she tags you as interested or not. They all give hundreds of extreamly subtle hints that if you dont know to look for you're just walking blind into traffic.

Girls DO ask guys out, but nonverbally. If you're standing at a party and she's talking to a friend and you get eye-contact, dont look away. If she looks back with the tilted head, or somehow plays with her hair she's begging you to approach her. If she smiles she's yelling at you to talk to her.

When you're talking does she cross her arms? if so take your leave early, she's not interested... but dont give up, I promise you other girls (the ones who are interested) will have seen you talking to other girls, which is a good thing because it makes you more attractive.

If her shoulders are parallel to you or she is touching her arm (or yours even better) she's very interested. These are non-verbal friendly gestures, she wont even be aware of them. If she does the tilted-head smile, she's thinking about something but in a good way. Psychologically you can determine what part of the brain the person is using by facial and head gestures, a tilted head tends to be thinking of some future event... she's already trying to figure out where you'd take her.

There are hundreds of subtle clues that I wont get into, simply because how long it takes to explain them, but these are the big ones, and the most important.

This whole thing about power struggle is, I'm sorry but IMO a load of crap. EVERY woman is turned on by a man who takes charge. If she approaches you, you pick a place to go. Have a backup plan. You pick the next 4-6 dates at absolute least. You dont see women being swept off their feet by men who ask "... I dont know what do you want to do?".
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