I'm letting this stay for now. I want to see people pick it apart- and when only the bone is left, i'll toss it to the dogs.
PLEASE include some text when you post a link (but there is much more than this on the site, as linked above).
From the front page of
It almost goes without saying that there are a few things wrong with this country right now. There is one thing in particular, though, that seems to be the root of all of these problems. I'll give you a hint: it starts with a 'G', and ends with an 'eorge W. Bush'. Did you figure it out? Millions of Americans already have.
This, of course, brings us sharply to a point: we need new leadership in this country, and we need it badly. I am not one who is known to meddle in politics, or, in all honesty, prior to this election year, vote. However, I feel so strongly that the fate of this great nation, and indeed even the modern world as we know it, hinges solely on this election, that I felt compelled to put my thoughts to word. And those thoughts are...
John Kerry is a douchebag, but I'm voting for him anyway. Well, not really. That is to say, he's not actually a douchebag, or not nearly as much of one as what the media, George W., and even perhaps John Kerry himself have made him out to be. It seemed that every time I saw, heard, or read something about Kerry, his doucheness factor increased. It wasn't until I did just a little research on my own that it became clear that most of these occurrences could be explained as lies, deception, media excess, or simply poor campaigning strategy. It is beyond vital that we all overlook these minor blemishes and unpleasantries, and unite in electing John Kerry to be the next president of the United States of America.
My goal for this website is to write the five essays listed at the left over the months of April and May of 2004. With luck, I will achieve one a week, however my ultimate plan is to complete all of them by the end of May. I sincerely hope that through these essays, there will be no doubt left in the minds of anyone "on the fence" that John Kerry is THE ONLY candidate to vote for in November. If I do as well as I hope, even conservatives will be led to do a little pondering on the subject, and perhaps even begin to consider the benefits of voting for a Democrat, if only once.
~Alan Blevins