You don't seem to mention how interested you'd be in this profession and only say you started researching it when you found you couldn't pay for next year's schooling.
So, my first piece of advice would be not to enlist solely for tuition assistance. You will be stuck for several years in something you may hate.
Secondly, going in as an officer is far better than going enlisted. The Marine Corps PLC program does not offer real tuition assistance in the sense of paying for all your costs (or even a significant portion of them). Once you complete a segment of training you can receive something like a $100 a month for 9 months per year. If going PLC you do two six week sessions at Quantico over two separate summers. If going Officer's Candidate Class--OCC you do a single ten week session over one summer in your senior year or just after graduation.
The Army, Navy, and Air Force typically have better deals with regard to paying tuition but I believe the commitment comes first unless you get an ROTC scholarship of one sort or another.
Student loans are not so bad especially if you're only talking about $15k.
I'm not about to discourage anyone from serving in the military, just be certain it's for you and that the long term commitment is worth it for the short term problem you're now facing.
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.