Boxing! Mabye even kick boxing. Ultimate Fighting might just be perfect for you! See where I'm going with this?
If your not a fighter, you need to engage in some activity where you can express yourself (like a sport or some type of art or rough sex!!!). One way or the other, your anger will most likely come out. Try to let it come out in a healthy way. I think the key is to find some activity that has emotional involvement and can be a form of expression for you.
Personally I hop on my freestyle bike and hit the skatepark whenever I'm pissed or need to get out some aggression. Jumping in a mosh pit at a hardcore show is also pretty good for getting out some anger.
Do something! Dont go postal!
Remember, wherever you go... there you are.
Last edited by sprocket; 04-26-2004 at 08:55 PM..