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Old 04-26-2004, 05:52 PM   #65 (permalink)
Re: Re: Yes...Another Marijuana Thread

Originally posted by Kaos
That is an addiction in itself.
And guess what...I'm betting that the marijuana you are getting off the street, isn't just marijuaua. But cut with other chemicals or drugs to get you a better "high."
You've obviously never smoked weed or dealt with it, and let me tell you, that's absolute bullshit.
What dealer is going to waste THEIR money putting other (read: more expensive) drugs just to give YOU a better high? Sorry, but it's not happening.
I've heard of this happening once, but that was a friend playing a little "joke" on another friend.

As far as how addicting it is? Well, it isn't physically addicting, but it is psychologically addictive. I can attest to that. However, I can function perfectly normal in my life, even though I smoke several times a day most days (and I'm in the top 25% of my class, get all my work homework and whatnot done, have a job, blah blah blah).

Let's look at some other drugs though.......cocaine and methamphetamine for example. I've gotten loaded a time or two, and it IS super addictive (if you're prone to addiction, that is). I have friends who can use it and not crave it at all when its all gone (unfortunately this isn't me). I've also smoked glass a time or two (although I'm not very proud of that one.........) and have friends who are hardcore tweakers. THIS WILL FUCK UP YOUR LIFE. Meth isn't a joke, and it's quite addictive. I'd say I'd be on that path myself if I didn't set a few rules for myself.......

I guess to get to my point, everyone behaves differently under the influence of drugs, and some are more prone to addiction than others. It IS possible to use drugs responsibly, and in moderation (but when it comes to hard drugs, frequent users can throw that word out the window), just like it's possible to do so with alcohol (but that's a whole 'nother story in its' self). As far as the people who've become "messed up" from the drugs, with their psychological ailments and all? They've had those symptoms from the start, drugs just enhance the (physical, psychological, and everyday) problems and stresses that we encounter.

To sum up, people who've never used recreational drugs will never understand, and those who do will try to justify it all over the place. Some people just aren't cut out to handle everything that comes with recreational drug use, and these people should not be using and should seek help if they continue to do so.
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