i agree with what you are saying KnifeMissle.
like you, i am not suggesting that we punish the mentally sick. in no way have i stated that he should be hung/shot/drowned etc...
but i am not suggesting that he should be let free or dismissed of his crimes.
he should be treated and placed where he cannot kill another child again i.e. a hospital.
i think the disagreement between us lies in this simple misunderstanding. from what i have read of your posts it looks like we're on the same side...
as an aside...
speaking of punishment, in a just system (of which i make no pretense that we live under) there should not be punishment, because punishment implies that it is a reaction over and above the initial action.
instead there should be disciplinary actions. because discipline suggests a thought out and measured response to a wrong, not a knee-jerk reactionary response.
anyways, just some food for thought...
I'm so awesome I made your mom cry!