Great advice above here. Also whether you have an infection or not it's best to make sure you pee it all out when you go. After you've gone wait a sec and give one last push. You'll usually get a little bit more dribble and completely emptying your bladder can help prevent or keep it from getting worse as quickly.
Also empty your bladder before you have sex. And as mentioned above - go after sex too.
I use a Peri-bottle the kind that they give you after childbirth at the hospital. You can find them from a drug store. You can direct the spray and it doesn't dribble all over. The warm water helps keep you clean and soothes.
There is such a thing as "honeymoon" UTI. It usually results from more rough sex. If you are having rough or deep sex you could change your position so that the penetration isn't as deep. Sometimes you can get a little brusing around your urinary tract from deep/rough sex and that encourages infections.
I had my first infection when I got Bacterial Vaginosis. The Dr said that it was partly because there was already bacteria present in my vagina and it just got passed on to my urethra. You could get that avenue checked out. Sometimes you won't even have symptoms of BV and sometimes it won't even show up on a PAP if it is very mild. It can get worse and keep contributing to UTI's. BV can be started just by getting bacteria from your anus up on your vagina. I can also be contributed to by your partner if he doesn't clean himself when you have sex.
Cranberry juice helps by changing the pH of your Urinary system such that the bacteria can't live/thrive. Make sure you check what kind of juice you are getting. Most brands say 27% juice or something of the sort but if it doesn't specifically say that it's 27% cranberry juice than that percentage includes other juices. Northland is one brand (that my Dr recommended) that I know of that I can trust to use more cranberry juice in their juices. Don't get the Cranberry coctail as it won't have as much cranberry in it either. Read the labels carefully. There are only a few bottles on the shelf that actually have 20-27% cranberry juice in them. I don't think any of them carry MORE than 27%.
I hope this helps. Do make sure you go see a Dr if you can't get rid of it fairly quickly or if it seems to keep coming back as soon as you stop "treating" it. That could mean that you aren't really getting rid of it but just alleviating the symptoms. As was mentioned above it can cause much more serious problems if it is allowed to go on too long. Good luck. I know these are a pain.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.
Last edited by raeanna74; 04-26-2004 at 06:47 AM..