I just saw Vol.2 last night, and I have to say that the switch in style was startling. Though title Vol.1 and Vol.2, and basically being 2 halves of the same movie, they felt like two completely different films. The momentum in Vol.1 was fast and relentless. Vol.2 went from 5th gear to 2nd gear, slowing way down and turning more into a character driven movie.
I think the big difference I saw here as opposed to other QT films was that in movies like RD and PF, the long dialogue scenes can be carried off because they are always filled with tension. I mean Reservoir Dogs had me on the edge of my seat the entire time because you never knew what was going to happen next. You were never allowed to sit back and relax.
Conversely, several of the scenes in Vol.2 allowed you to do just that. The story at the campfire, the first half of the wedding rehearsal scene, etc. were a little long and were not filled with tension. When Bill showed up at the church, however, the tension was ratcheted up and I was back into it.
All that said, I enjoyed Vol.2. It just took me a while to get into it considering what my expectations were of it.
"You can't shoot a country until it becomes a democracy." - Willravel