Originally posted by KillerYoda
Never been to either, but apparently you have. In case you haven't stayed at one of the Guatanamo Bay prisons like Dragonlich has, here's what they look like:
Not too shabby, I agree, but that still doesn't excuse the no legal counsel thing.
Okay, I admit I've never set foot in one of those middle-east prisons, nor in Guantanamo Bay. Neither have you. However... I do know quite a lot about them from the annual reports from Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International and the like.
There is widespread torture and abuse in Islamic prisons, there is overcrowding and insufficient food and healthcare. As for legal counseling, if those governments even admit you're there, they'll eventually send in a local lawyer, who might speak some English, if you're lucky... Besides, legal counseling isn't going to be very useful if you've just admitted to all the charges after weeks of torture.
Note: there was a report on BBC World a while ago, about an Englishman who had been held in a prison in Saudi-Arabia. There had been a terror attack, and he was the scapegoat: Saudis don't blow people up, so it must be an outsider. After several days of torture - being repeatedly hit on his feet with a stick - he still refused to admit to doing it and was released. Others were not so lucky/brave: there are quite a few Britons in prison there, because of terror attacks on Westerners, related to "illegal alcohol smuggling"...
Now, as bad as Guantanamo might be, it's not nearly as bad as that. By the way, weren't those cells in Guantanamo upgraded from those "cages with a roof" to full-blown prison cells?
So... if a hypothetical USA attacked a hypothetical Dutch Islamic state (with me in prison), I'd be happy. I'd doubt I'd be imprisoned by the US afterwards, but if I were, it'd still be better than that hypothetical Dutch cell, given the Islamic background.