Friends with different values/mores
I have a few friends who have had kids when they were 17... they're only 18 now.. but still, it's young. And I have this one friend who is making me want to lash out irrationally at her all the time.
She is 18 and has been dating this scum bag for about a year and 4 months. She just doesn't undertsand that he isn't the man (well boy) for her. He is 17 and dropped out of school last year. We are both seniors. He was almost arrested recently for burglery... but he got off on probation for 10 months... or a year and 10 months... not too sure:-/ But he also drinks a lot and smokes pot... it that is all he smokes. This girl says.. well it's just a little pot and the drinking doesn't bother me.
He goes out at night and drinks with his friend till all hours of the night... what says he's not cheating.. we caught him once.
So about a year ago she finds out she's pregnent. She goes and gets an abortions... tells me about it, I'm not thrilled but I'm not about to run her life... and we were juniors for God's sake! So then in the begining of this school year I find out she had another one... That pissed me off beyond belief.
She comes into school one day crying because they brokw up... so we are telling her that it is a good idea... it's a good thing that it happened. She'll find someone who isn't irresponsible nor can't man a job for over a week. And she kept saying.. "You don't understand, he's the only one for me..." balhblahblah. So even though we tried to convince her it didn't work. She called our friend a day later and our friend asked her if she could be pregnant.. and she said yes.... I asked her the next day if she could be and she didn't really answer.
She kept telling us that she had to get it done.. she can't take care of the kid.. and she wants to have it done. I didn't really say much, because I'm not one to just speak my mind on everything. And then I told her and a bunch of other people told her not to get it done.. she's f*ed up her body enough.. what needs her to do this again? But she refused to listen to us... didn't talk to us until about 2 weeks after her appointment. And one of the first things she said when she really talked to us again was, "I moved in with him, my parents disown me" Of course they disown you.. your stupid! They were just trying to prtext her from him.. but she just kept defying them and being with him... even though she is 18... but she is living with him now and it must be the worst set up in the world... she hardly comes to school anymore (lets say she came 4 days before she moved in and now 3 days at max a week)
She has messed up her life... and the abortion thing has made me so mad...
So now after all of that my question to all of you is....
Would you stay friends with that person even though your values/mores are not the same.... infact total enemies to eachother? Or would you just forget about it even though she seems to get pregnant time and time again that it just keeps comign up... staying out of her life (even though you at least used to be really close to her)?