What's a good PS2 arcade stick?
I've recently become addicted to a certain combo-driven fighting game, and I decided that for the good of my thumbs (which were bruised and broken after consecutive 22 and 16 hour tournemants this weekend between the roommates) I needed to pick up a fight stick.
However, I have yet to find one that gets any good reviews...anybody happy with one?
I'd prefer not to spend more than $30, but if it is Completely Awesome I could consider up to $50.
Anyways, thanks for any recomendations!
Update: i got a $20 Pelican universal arcade stick that I'm moderately happy with...if anyone hops on and has tails of an awesome one, I'll return this one and get it.
twisted no more
Last edited by telekinetic; 04-25-2004 at 05:17 PM..