I miss the hell out of my little monkey but I know I'll get him back and frankly I'm not worried about it. It's a non-issue.
I'm starting to see lots of people get their avatars though and that concerns me. See, I'm slow to attach people with posts but it does happen. There are those of you who I recognize because you are unique, have something to say, or a way of saying things. Some of you are glorious t-board posters, some of you have shared the most private parts of yourselves in the exhib forum, some of you have taught me how you make a steak, and others have simply lent your insight. To the people who I recognize and to those in the future who I will recognize, I say thank you.
Now, I've been at 4.0 since the first week. Since then, I've made 60 or so posts. Not every one has been golden. Not every one has had my whole soul in it. Some have been shorter than they could have been. They all share one thing that I'm proud of though. That's the fact that each post was posted because I felt strongly about something. If I made a t-board reply of "great post" you can know that it truly was great. If I say that metafilter is my favorite non-tfp site, then you can know that it truly is my favorite, like children have favorite toys.
I mean what I say. I say what I say because my comments no matter how verbose or succinct, are filled with conviction. Some of you have 250 some posts. That's great. Some of you have 25+ posts a day though. If you've made 250 posts, chances are I should probably recognize your name by now. It should ring a bell at least. Some of you truly do have 30 worthwile things to say everyday, but I'm afraid to say that I think some of you just have spam.
I love this place for its quality. Please try as a member of this community to do your part to maintain or improve that quality. Give me a reason to recognize you. You'll have plenty of time to get an avatar and exhib pics later.
You guys rock. Thanks for listening.