Okay, if you really want to make the person say WOW this is what you have to do might seem hard or weird.
When they kiss the guys mouth should be open slightly more then hers not to big though, you follow the person kissing you, when the person adds tounge you add yours, just do it how the person kissing you does it, then they will feel as if they are in heaven or it might make them horny. There tounge goes up yours goes up slightly against theres.
I like to open and close my mouth and I move my tounge at the same time with my jaw/lip I move it up and down as I open and close my mouth kinda like a cat lapping up water.
French kiss your hand and see if your doing it like I do lol.
I dont like the guy with a very wide mouth, its hard to kiss him if his mouth is open like hes yawning, I dont like it when a guy swirls his tounge round and round it bothers me.
Make sure to breath out your nose lol
A wide open mouth with only tounge moving around is tire some and not as sexy.
The QTpie
Last edited by qtpye4u84; 04-25-2004 at 03:06 AM..