All that talk of atrocities and what not....
Its pretty obvious that shit was in the past and in a lot of ways we were not there when shit happened when we should have. And in other cases, history has repeated itself over and over and that shit will never end so long as people feel that others are inferior or in the way. In some aspects, that would be true to yes, even people on this board, including those who feel that one has a right over another. As long as one feels they have something better, they will have that feeling that they can do what is needed. Its psychology and human nature... but enough of that...
As to the full extent of Saddam.. much of that is speculation on our sides. Unless you lived in Iraq and were witness or were involved, you're not going to know how bad/if how bad things were.
The constant "Saddam killed thousands daily" stuff is getting annoying - its pretty obvious days and days of fighting in Iraq for another year will probably cost more people their lives at this rate. And right now, there's no slowing down.
I can safely say right now over a year after, Iraq is helluva lot more dangerous, and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight.
Right now, my questions are simple - is it worth the cost in money and lives for what is going on now? And, what is the solution to all this?
My own answers sound like: No, for we are sending our boys to die for another nation's problems on ideological reasons to which the nation has no strategic interests. WIth no clear interests at stake, the reasons for war are clouded. And the solution? Well, not enough seems to be done right now to get the country back into place.
Last edited by Zeld2.0; 04-25-2004 at 12:47 AM..