Originally posted by matthew330
Tecoyah, I'm amazed at how stupid and naieve you think Americans are. Just to keep it short and sweet, cause there's so much i wanna say, these pictures did NOTHING to sway my opinion of the war.
And trust me - the American soldier over there, isn't thinking when they're getting attacked by these insurgents - "oh these poor fellas, they've gone through so much and we've put them through so much, i feel there pain."
Iraq is a huge frickin place, and these continue to be a small minority.
That you are "amazed" at how stupid and naive I consider Americans to be, pretty much exemplifies that which you are amazed about. I do not think this way, and was somewhat insulted that you drew such a conclusion from a post explaining my thoughts on a disturbing situation.
I can only guess you are refering to my comment about support dropping for the war, should such images be common. If so, You may be confusing stupidity, for compassion. Actually that is unlikely, as your continued disregard for the deaths of innocent people shows you have no understanding of the meaning of compassion.
And "trust you", I think not. As you seem to be telling me that you know what the soldiers are feeling, this is unlikely. You will note my purposeful use of the english language (which I am sure you will excell at in time) made clear the comment was not speaking for the soldiers, but instead feeling for them.
Should you decide to take the images for what they are, and avoid the politics you so adamantly spew forth, you may find them somewhat disturbing as well.
And by the way, this"small minority" has killed over a hundred of our soldiers this month, and I find this as distastful as the above images. That does not make either an acceptable payment for the freedom of Iraq.