Originally posted by HarmlessRabbit
You mean from Most-favored-nation china? where your goods from Wal-Mart are currently being made right now?
Mao died in September 1976, normal trade relations and MFN status weren't granted until 1979, 3 years after his death. Just to clear things up, China today
is not governed by a Maoist regime.
if you're going to equate a handful of MPs harassing prisoners (and are going to go before the military equivalient of a grand jury for it) with sending the remains of raped and tortured women in shoeboxes back to their families... then i don't know what to tell you.
Originally posted by HarmlessRabbit
Those were Kurds, actually, you know, the ones we pretty much abandoned after the first gulf war?
They are Kurdish in ethnicity, but they were still Iraqis.
if you're so certain the US has got its hands dirty in all of these events, i can't imagine why you would resort to posting such irresponsible information to make your point. why go to such lengths to say these things?