Originally posted by Seaver
Tell that to the millions in Cambodia who fell under Pol Pot.
with the support of the USA
Tell that to the millions that died under Mao Tse-Tung.
You mean from Most-favored-nation china? where your goods from Wal-Mart are currently being made right now?
Tell that to the Iraqi families who's daughters were systematically tortured and raped, then sent home in shoeboxes.
I'm unclear whether you mean Saddam's troops or ours.
Tell that to the Iraqi families who were completely obliterated because of nerve gas.
Those were Kurds, actually, you know, the ones we pretty much abandoned after the first gulf war?
Tell that to the Iraqi families who filled the mass graves filled with thousands of Iraqis each.
Thank god the killings have stopped and they no longer have to use soccer fields as mass graves. Oh wait, that was a few weeks ago in Fallujah.
You can spout patriotic polemics all you want, the USA has pretty dirty hands in all of this. Look up the current government of Pakistan, for example, and how much support we give them.
Then tell that to any man in uniform that the thing they fight for, freedom, is not worth the cost.
Well, in Vietnam it certainly ended up that way. One aspect of freedom is the ability to question the actions of your government.