The cost of the war outweight the cost of freedom
Tell that to the millions of gypsies and jews in the concentration camps.
Tell that to the millions of Ukranians and Russians sent to Siberia deathcamps.
Tell that to the millions in Cambodia who fell under Pol Pot.
Tell that to the millions that died under Mao Tse-Tung.
Tell that to their families that the cost of freedom is too much to pay for.
Tell that to the Iraqi families who's daughters were systematically tortured and raped, then sent home in shoeboxes.
Tell that to the Iraqi families of the men who were dunked in acid baths, only to be medically saved so he could endure it a second time.
Tell that to the Iraqi families who were completely obliterated because of nerve gas.
Tell that to the Iraqi families who filled the mass graves filled with thousands of Iraqis each.
Then tell that to any man in uniform that the thing they fight for, freedom, is not worth the cost.