Originally posted by seretogis
Minnesota instituted its "shall issue" CCW law last year. So far, over 10,000 people have registered. Want to take a wild guess as to how many of those new concealed-weapon-carriers shot people? Zero. Absolutely none. CCW permits go to those who demonstrate that they are of sound mind, are not bank-robbers, and know how to responsibly use a weapon. If you don't want to carry, by all means, don't. Just don't try to tell me that I can't safely carry.
In 1996, handguns were used to murder 2 people in New Zealand, 15 in Japan, 30 in Great Britain, 106 in Canada, 213 in Germany and 9,390 in the United States. FBI Uniform Crime Report, 1996
All these countries ban owning a gun, except America.
Secondly, if I knew that the gang-banger down the street from me could get a CCW, and I could get a CCW--for whatever reason I might have to get one, then I would be totally freaked out. There is no need to carry unless you plan to use it. The DMV gives out licenses to ppl that are careless all the time. What about ppl that are allowed to carry guns? Lets say someone has a really bad day. I dont want to worry about being a potential target.
Now by having a weapon, you are automatically thrust into a position of power. That your way goes...heh Anarchy. Leave it to the police to carry weapons and the citizens to be citizens. Defend yourself by not putting yourself in a compromizing situation. If it does happen, POLICE.
Finally, I love guns. I want a CCW, but Im afraid that I would use it, or threaten with it, whatever. Times when I should and times when I shouldn't. I do not want anarchy. I do not want the guy next door to rule me because hes got a bigger gun, or more guns, etc. Lines have to be drawn that affect good and bad people. One might demonstrate that he is sane to have a CCW, but when a situation is thrust on this individual, he might overreact and have a slaughter. Do you want to worry about that??? I dont.