I think we'll give this one more try for everyone's sake and then take it PM's if there are any more questions.
Originally posted by tkkfan
ok. Maybe I sounded a little too critical in that statement.
What I mean is having a weapon, in public, within reach automatically puts a person (opinion or not, politically or not) in a very compromising situation. That is not an opinion, it is a fact.
Well, I don't see any "fact" there.
Thousands of people do this legally everyday without being compromised, myself included.
All I did was ask why someone would need that. He is obviously not a cop or any type of security, because he wouldnt have to apply. I wondered if maybe he was being threatened, or he went to Compton everyday with a Confederate flag or something and had intended to use it. I don't see how that falls into politics.
According to that statement which is found here, I didn't do anything wrong. I was respectful, all I did was ask a question. I did not name call, or resort to poor behavior. I do like weapons; I am sorry that I had an opinion on a CCW, and I'm sorry that you didn't like it.
Seriously, this isn't about liking or disliking your opinion.
If I can try to distill it:
You have an opinion on whether or not carrying a concealled gun is a good idea and that opinion is "no". There are those that would disagree with you. The argument would then center on "need", the Constitution, the role of Government, safety statistics, crime statistics, etc.
I think I speak safely saying that this is the sort of opinion that belongs in "Politics", as it has nothing to do with the technicalities of gun ownership, how to carry concealed, how to make thermite, etc.
Lastly, if one doesn't need a good reason to get a CCW in another state, then I'm moving. It is soooo hard to do anything here. I have to drive 80 miles away to go to the desert and I STILL have to worry about police helicopters and stuff.
Start packing
As far as I know, most every state that has a "Shall Issue" CCW law does not require "reason" other than because the individual wants to.
This is certainly true in Colorado.
I am not 100% only because I don't know if Illinois is a "shall issue" state, but I don't think they are.
For more CCW information, try