Since you spent ten minutes on the bike before you hit the machines you should have been sufficiently warmed up. You should stretch the specific muscles you will be using both before and even during your workout. For instance I will stretch my lats out before I do T-Bar rows and stretch them more after each set. You don't have to do an aerobic workout before lifting but you should warm up your core which could involve some light aerobics or perhaps abdominal exercises like leg raises or crunches. You could lift a few light weights to warm up your arms if you'd like. Doesn't sound like you did any damage. Pretty much evervbody experiences DOMS when they first start any kind of weight lifting program. The fact that you are getting more range of motion tells me its probably just muscle soreness. If anything feels dramatically wrong or you don't continue to feel better then get it looked at, better than sorry. If you wanted to do some light workout with it that shouldn't be a problem. Pumping up the arm with some blood and heat will probably make it feel better and heal a bit faster. Just don't over do it. Congrats on hitting the gym!
Thousands of Monkeys, all screaming at once. Pulling God's finger.