This is more random than I think I've ever posted here. No rhyme or reason, and its a little long. Bear with me, its significant (I think).
I saw the film "Waking Life" a few months ago, and it most certainly changed my life. It's just a completely different aspect on everything. The most creative movie I have ever seen possibly.
I found a website:
Waking Life
That has the entire transcript.
Don't read this if you haven't seen it.
but specifically in one scene of the movie.... this is a quote:
And the funny thing is, our cells are completely regenerating every seven years. We've already become completely different people several times over, and yet, we always remain quintessentially ourselves.
Now, alone, that is an amazing thought. But I saw Ghost in the Shell again tonight. A deeply significant and symbolic movie I must say.
I can't really say I have a point to this thread. I wanted a deep and thoughtful discussion about life...but thats been done before. Dreams have been discussed too.
So what I propose is that we discuss the fact that through evolution or creationism that we have created a consciousness. If all our senses are created through electric and chemical responses, how can we have a personality and a consciousness?
Those (chemical and electricity) are things with distinct laws, bound by seemingly unbreakable laws of the universe. Can we have a free will and a consciousness if we are made from things that don't?
That leads me to another we have a free will, or does fate govern our lives?
Opinions, thoughts, feedback, whatever.