Originally posted by seretogis
You shouldn't comment on Michael Moore because he is a wacko liberal (not that all liberals are wacko, or all wackos are liberal) and that particular combination are absolutely immune to any sort of judgement because their ideals are so saintly. Please stop attacking this poor man who only wants to do so much good in the world and is utterly selfless. Ignore the fact that he preaches high ideals and refuses to hold himself up to them, or that he endorses people just as corrupt and two-faced as himself. Only those who are right of the middle are subject to criticism, so please back off of Michael Moore, onetime2. Thank you.
no kidding. i was surprised myself to see anything bad about the beloved moore here.
Does anyone ever watch penn & teller's Bull Shit? They had a nice quote on their episode about how america is always afraid...it was something along the lines of "we are no more likely to be hurt today than we were before, but if something bad does happen, Michael Moore will find a way to make some money off of it."