I, too, am confused by the Democratic love-fest for mcCain, though from the other end, as a Democrat.
For me, the issue isn't what party he's a member of, its issues. McCain wants to do things that I think are bad for the country. He wants to drill in ANWAR. He was recently rated the number one pro-taxpayer senator by the national taxpayer's union. He has a lifetime rating of %17 from the AFL-CIO. He supported Bush's rush to war. He's pro-life.
I'll admit that McCain takes what I think is a more rational approach to some of these issues. Rather then just take away abortion rights, he wants to take away abortion rights and make adoption easier as an alternative to abortion. I respect that, but I'd rather have someone who belives in abortion rights.
So while I appriciate McCain's honor, leadership ability, and willingness to look to the long-term, I won't support him. His vision of Amreca's long-term is radically different from mine. I'm not going to change my views simply because a charismatic politician supports the opposite. I encourage my fellow Democrats to look byond McCain's obvious charisma to what he actually wants to do to the country.