Is this your list, or someone else's list?
From the list above, you are anti-free trade "Substitute trade treaties for protectionism. (Jan 2000)", anti-public health care, socially libertarian, anti-contract "Pay dues to UN after UN reforms. (Jul 1998)", something about drugs that isn't clear "Administration is AWOL on the war on drugs. (Mar 2000)", pro-economic warfare "Voted YES on limiting the President's power to impose economic sanctions. (Jul 1998)", anti-economic warfare "Cuba: No diplomatic and trade relations. (Jul 1998)", pro-ethanol "Ethanol is not worth it, even in Iowa. (Dec 1999)".
But all of this is a guess. Because all that is up there is a bunch of unsubstantiated vague soundbites. For all I know, half of those could be "he voted for X while making a deal for Y", or "he voted against a stupid bill that, amoung other things, had a clause that could be interprited against that position".
Me, I don't care who McCain is or what he stands for. He isn't likely to be invading my country anytime soon. But, I do find list-style arguements hilarious. "Look at how much is here, some of it MUST be true!"
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.