One word- Respect
Mc Cain has earned my respect. I could care less if a man/woman is Dem or Rep. The reason many Democrats go for Mc cain has nothing to do with the party. Democrats in general seem less inclined to be rabid about the "Party" and more in tune with the long run of issues. Because Mc Cain has vision and at least some level of honor, he will draw the respect of those who strive to understand where we , as a country, may want to be in ten or twenty years.
The man has the guts to lead, the voice to speak out, the skill to manipulate, the muscle to kill, and the intellect to avoid killing. Sadly most of these traits are missing from all but a few, who are willing to accept the responsibility of leadership.
In short, He may not be perfect, but he stands out as what many people require in a true leader.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha