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Old 04-23-2004, 05:14 AM   #1 (permalink)
Huggles, sir?
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McCain -- why the Democrat love-fest?

On other threads I am seeing a lot of dems proclaiming McCain as the Republican Messiah, and then for some reason saying that they would vote for him. I have a list of reasons why I would never think of voting for him, but I'd like to see a list of why any Democrat would.

Distribute surplus: 23% tax cuts; 62% Social Security. (Jan 2000)
Apply surplus to Social Security, Medicare, tax cuts & debt. (Jul 1998)
Voted YES on Amendment to prohibit flag burning. (Dec 1995)
Supports Amendment against flag-burning. (Apr 1999)
Supports anti-flag desecration amendment. (Mar 2001)
Affirmative action OK for specific programs, but no quotas. (Jul 1998)
Voted YES on loosening restrictions on cell phone wiretapping. (Oct 2001)
Voted YES on setting aside 10% of highway funds for minorities & women. (Mar 1998)
Voted NO on ending special funding for minority & women-owned business. (Oct 1997)
Voted YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage. (Sep 1996)
Urges hearings on how FBI can deter Hate Crimes. (Aug 1999)
Administration is AWOL on the war on drugs. (Mar 2000)
$1B for detection equipment for more border interdiction. (Mar 1999)
Stricter penalties; stricter enforcement [for drugs.] (Jul 1998)
Voted YES on spending international development funds on drug control. (Jul 1996)
Strength Clean Air & Water Acts; but not Kyoto. (Jan 2000)
Voted YES on removing consideration of drilling ANWR from budget bill. (Mar 2003)
Voted NO on drilling ANWR on national security grounds. (Apr 2002)
Voted YES on defunding renewable and solar energy. (Jun 1999)
Voted NO on do not require ethanol in gasoline. (Aug 1994)
Supports immediate reductions in greenhouse gases. (Sep 1998)
Violence in media caused Littleton shootings. (Apr 1999)
Media Responsibility Act requires video & music labeling. (Jun 1999)
Voted YES on restricting violent videos to minors. (May 1999)
Overthrow “rogue” governments to keep Americans safe. (Feb 2000)
Pay dues to UN after UN reforms. (Jul 1998)
Cuba: No diplomatic and trade relations. (Jul 1998)
Voted NO on limiting NATO expansion to only Poland, Hungary & Czech. (Apr 1998)
Voted YES on limiting the President's power to impose economic sanctions. (Jul 1998)
Voted YES on Strengthening of the trade embargo against Cuba. (Mar 1996)
Substitute trade treaties for protectionism. (Jan 2000)
Admit China to WTO based on their concessions. (Jun 1999)
No term limits; they throw away the good with the bad. (Jan 2000)
Voted NO on banning more types of Congressional gifts. (Jul 1995)
Ban cheap guns; require safety locks; for gun show checks. (Aug 1999)
Supports ban on certain assault weapons. (Aug 1999)
Guns are a problem, but so are violent web sites & videos. (Aug 1999)
Youth Violence Prevention Act restricts guns for kids. (May 1999)
Higher taxes on cigarettes. (Jan 2000)
Matching funds for seniors citizens’ prescription drugs. (Dec 1999)
Expand health insurance to 11 million uninsured children. (Dec 1999)
Voted YES on limiting self-employment health deduction. (Jul 1999)
Voted YES on increasing tobacco restrictions. (Jun 1998)
Voted YES on banning human cloning. (Feb 1998)
Voted NO on 1996 Defense Appropriations. (Sep 1995)
Voted NO on telecomm deregulation. (Feb 1996)
Ethanol is not worth it, even in Iowa. (Dec 1999)
Ethanol bad for environment & bad for consumers. (Nov 1999)
Voted NO on across-the-board spending cut. (Oct 1999)
Authorize Clinton to send in ground troops [Kosovo.] (May 1999)
Supported deployment in Bosnia; supports it in Kosovo. (Apr 1999)

From: issues2000
seretogis - sieg heil
perfect little dream the kind that hurts the most, forgot how it feels well almost
no one to blame always the same, open my eyes wake up in flames
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