Originally posted by ARTelevision
George Bush has assembled one of the best teams of Presidential advisors in US history. His handling of the responsibilities of his office has been inspiring and rock solid. He is a great man and a great President.
I wonder if there is truth to that science article saying that Democrats and Republicans are different enough so as to have different MRI scans when watching the same data and imagery. Here's how I would write it:
George Bush has assembled one of the worst teams of Presidential advisors in our history. He has presided over two of the worst intelligence failures in our history. His handling of the responsibilities of office has been troubling. Instead of focusing on a successful conclusion to the war on terror (Bin Laden and his top deputy remain on the loose, and Afghanistan is devolving into pre-Taliban rule-by-warlords), he took us on a hastily planned unnecessary diversion into Iraq. He may well be a warm, compassionate man, but he is no great President.