Nope. Used to be that way, but then 24 hour news services with world-wide resources and realtime satellite uplinks came around. Now, the world, including our own government, turns into CNN to see what's happening.
No wonder we had security failures and terrorist attacks on our soil.. If our own government relies on what CNN says in order to stay informed I'm sorry to say we are all doomed. CNN is reality TV at its worst. Only a foolish polotician would watch mainstream news programs in order to stay informed. One of the few reasons I could see them doing so would be in order to see exactly what the people outside of polotics see. To see themselves from the peoples perspective.
Sorry that was completely off topic. The only downside to Bush for me is he seems to support the increasing authority that law enforcement and government enjoy through bills like the patriot act, DMCA etc. This is a trend that started in the Clinton era and Bush/Congress has kept it going strong.