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Old 04-22-2004, 03:40 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Location: Chicago
Originally posted by Giltwist
I suppose you could say I am both anti bush and anti kerry, because if I wasn't I wouldn't have even bothered looking for alternatives. That's how it started out, but now that i've looked at his issues, it isn't that Nader is the least bad, I think he might do some good. So I voted I'm 3rd party and that's how I'm voting. Idealism aside, though, I am more antibush than antikerry, so considering a main party candidate will likely win, I would prefer Kerry. But I am voting Nader anyway because I want to help dispel the myth that voting 3rd party is a waste. It is only like that because people believe that. And don't say I am taking votes away from Kerry, because I am not. I am a registered republican. So if I am taking votes away from anyone, its bush,
Thank you. No one has a right to say they are tired of voting for the lesser of 2 evils. The only reason there is a perception of 3rd party votes being a waste is because too many people are too scared to actually vote their mind. The more votes a 3rd party gets, at least, the more the big parties pay attention to their message, and at best the more funding those parties get towards a better chance the next time. Change happens slowly, but only if you work towards it.
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