It angers me when people complain about "camping" in an FPS game, or "rushing" in an RTS game... as if I'm cheating.
It's like.. look, if I'm hiding and you can't find me and I'm racking up frags, then come find me and kill me. Don't sit there and complain because my style of play is advantageous to my victory. If the game was meant to have a non-written rule about "no camping", then the level designers wouldn't allow you to hide in such spots.
A good example of this is in Unreal Tournament on the Morpheous map... you can use your teleporter and hide up on top of the lightposts. Get the sniper rifle and you pretty much have a birdseye view of the whole level and can pick people off like rats. That style of play is in no way, shape, or form cheating.
The "rushing" thing pisses me off, too. In StarCraft, some races (Zerg) could build units loads faster than other races... so as soon as I got 6 zerglings, I'd send 'em over to their base to scout things out and to whack a few of their harvest units. I'd get all kinds of insults like, "You fucking cheater/rusher" or "WTF you do that for?" Look, I'm playing how the designers wanted me to play. If I have 6 units to attack you and I send them over.. and you have NOTHING to defend with, then oh well. Live and learn.
...but no, they see it as cheating/hacking. Ah well. In FPS games, I generally tend to aim specifically for the complainers, which makes 'em even more angry