Originally posted by Krycheck
Well when the owners daughters use the company network to chat on AIM or MSN it's hard to control your department employes usage.
Or can I do anything to the registry to disable AIM?
When you don't have management support, you might as well forget it. That's a bunch of crap. If said daughter works there, she needs to work like everbody else...damned prima-donna. OTOH, unless everybody is related to her, they have no excuse.
As for using the registry, it would only work for a while. Then they will head out and download it again and reinstall, which will overwrite registry settings.
As for the guy who abuses it, how about this: if you have a few switches on their way to the router, is there any way to restrict just one of them (one switch)? I suppose it would depend on the model. If so, hang your most problematic employees on that switch, and block AIM access there only. Put the reliable employees on the switch that does not have restrictions. Or get another router and block it that way. If this works and he complains, tell him it must have been a user error. This will take some cabling fiddling, but is another option.
Sounds mighty frustrating. Good luck.