My take is that to be a true friend, you have to be prepared to let your friends grow up and go on. I don't mean to sound crude or condescending when I say that, but it's just been my experience. I have friends who were as close as brothers / sisters that I rarely speak to, and it's not because I cut things off. People get involved in their own lives and they move on. I think a part of it is that, especially when we're younger, we partially define ourselves through our friends and grow together. After awhile, you know each other so well you may actually need some space to continue growing or you suffocate each other. You might find that, if you don't completely give up on them, you'll reconnect years down the road - and it's amazing how quickly those all ties can re-heal. I almost guarrantee you that if you corner your friend(s) about not staying in touch, nothing good will come of it.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style