The difference is I was poking fun at professional hockey players, do you know the amount of shit that comes with that? You on the other hand were makin an attack against me.
I never said you didn't have the right to let your opinion known.
You see this is a game hockey is just a game, and fans have their rivalries, and fans always gloat when their team wins, and they always expect to take the piss when their team looses, I don't know why you can't understand this. I started this thread yes to brag about my team beating out the Sens, as any Sens fan would of done had they won, but I never had the intention of it turning into this, I mean there are threads applauding the great run of the Calgary Flames I don't see you shooting your mouth off in there, why's that? Jesus man get the coat hanger out of your shirt and loosen up a bit.
I have no need to live off the success of others I am perfectly happy, I'm 26 in great health, had a great hockey career, great family, great friends, no nothing to complain about here.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder