My knowledge of the history of the region is lacking, and given the time I'd love to do more research.. but this is what I see from what I know
- Lebanon was given as the Palestinian homeland, and Israel was given to the Zionist movement, a homecoming for the Jewish people of the world.
- The 1967 borders were moved because after the war Israel kept the territory it captured for security reasons (hey, that is what war used to be about. You win, you carve a bit out for yourself.) The fact that they were fighting an illegal blockade by Egypt of the port of Eilat, Syria firing from the Golan heights, and an alliance of all the Arab states calling for the total destruction of Israel only strengthens the argument to enlargen the buffer..
I dont think that Bush should have endorsed the plan, but only because I don't beleive that the States should have as much say in Mid-East politics. But this isnt new..
"Life is possible only with illusions. And so, the question for the science of mental health must become an absolutely new and revolutionary one, yet one that reflects the essence of the human condition: On what level of illusion does one live?"
-- Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death