Originally posted by SecretMethod70
Yes, the Romantic era was filled with such sick music 
Forgive me for not being able to seperate the quote from its intended subject.
I'm not really sure I understand what you mean.
Every time had its trends in music. For example, from its early birth in the Southern US during the early parts of this century, all the way upto the 1940's Jazz was considered degenerate. Ditto Rock 'n' Roll. Ditto Heavy Metal. Ditto Disco. Ditto Dance music. Ditto Rap.
The actual quote is a translation of
"Man macht heute nur Geld mit kranker Musik" which comes from Section 5 of
Der Fall Wagner (or The Case for Wagner). It is an attack upon the German people's love of Wagnerian music. The quote is specifically aimed at Wagner. In Nietzsche's opinion, the music though popular was
He goes on
The Germans have constructed a Wagner for themselves whom they can revere
So, obviously, the fact that you do not subscribe to this point of view or allow yourself the opinion that such a quote was contemporaneously relevant, does not mean that it cannot be quoted today; even if it is out of context.
It's funny, considering it's a theme that has been oft repeated since music has become much more popular and influential.
Mr Mephisto