Try applying gentle pressure with small circular movements to the point on top of the foot where the two small bones meet between the big toe and second toe. This will relieve spasms of the uterus...or cross your left ankle over your right knee and use your right thumb to find the point on the inside of your lower leg (just behind the shinbone) and three finger-widths above the inner anklebone (be sure to press gently because this can be a sensitive area). Move up to the inner thigh area - about two inches above the knee - to relieve cramping and stagnation and to promote the smooth flow of blood. If those don't work you can slide your finger out and away from the pronounced bump below your kneecap on the front of your knee until you are on a muscle between two bones of your lower leg. Massage and apply firm pressure to encourage softening of the muscle and to stimulate digestion, promote the release of blood, and relieve nausea.
I hope this makes sense and helps
Taking primrose oil may also help relieve cramping and avoiding caffeine helps too.
(sorry this is so long)
we die only once and for such a long time