Cool thread, thought I would share a couple of mine… some of my favorites have come out of my daughter…like they say “kids say the darnest things”
One when she was about three we were going into the gas station and a young lady was walking up to the door, so being polite I open the door and let her go first. My daughter pipes up and says.”Why did you do that Dad, was it because shes a babe?”
Another one that we still tease her to this day (she’s 14 now) was she has always liked music, grew up listing to mom and dads music…so when she was about 8 or 9 she was going through the cd’s and you could tell she wasn’t finding what she was looking for. Asked her what cd she wanted? She says “I am looking for the Harold Smith cd” the wife and I was looking at her thinking “who’s Harold Smith??” Then it hit me, I said do you mean “Aerosmith” We still ask her if she wants to listen to Harold Smith? She just gives us the look…LOL
One day at the park, the state police have a station right next door, and they were talking to kids and showing them the police cars. My wife takes our daughter (about 4) over to see the cars, and was talking to the trooper; he noticed that our daughter has on a pair of "Lion King" shoes on. And he comments about her shoes, she whips around and pulls her pants down and says” look I have "Lion King" undies too”. The wife about died…LOL
But my all time favorite…when she was five, I stopped by the cemetery to visit my Dad’s grave. Was telling her about her grandpa (he died before she was born). At the cemetery, Dad has a headstone at the top of the grave and a military plaque that is at the foot of the grave. She was asking what the headstone was and what the other one was and I was explaining it to her. When the cemetery placed them on the grave, they only put the two stones about four feet apart. So after a bit of looking and thinking about the stones, she looks up at me and says, ”your Dad wasn’t very tall was he” I busted up, Dad would have loved that one.
Last edited by Fishin Musician; 04-21-2004 at 07:25 PM..