I'd like to see a series of movies made from R.A. Salvatore's character Drizzt D'Urden................staring Gary Coleman

one (or maybe 50) based on the Shadowrun novels and RPG pen & paper game. I used to write FASA (when they stilled owned the property) weekly to make this into a movie, and they always wrote back saying that they were in talks, but apperantly nothing ever came of it.
I would kill to see somebody unfuck the Bond series, and return it to its stylish & suave roots, instead of this typical action BS it has become.
And while I totally agree with wanting a good Dune movie, I think the scope is just too immense to deal with in even a trilogy, much less one movie. The generational jump almost lost my interest in God Emperor of Dune, as the majority of key characters had completely been replaced, and I think it would do the same to the popcorn movie oriented viewers of today.