If you want to get a real feel for Kerry, try to see him live or even meet him if possible. It will most likely change your opinion. He does tend to come off like he has a stick up his ass when he is on t.v., but in person he is quite different.
If Kerry dropped out, it would be quite interesting. I am guessing that the issue would go to the convention, and there anything is possible. Edwards would have the obvious leg up, but a Leiberman or a Dean or even Clarke could surface in a convention atmosphere. The name that I would like to see would be Biden (as I said in another thread) but the name that (unfortunately) keeps bubbling up in my mind is Hilary Clinton. She could claim that it was the will of the delegates and that she is doing it for the good of the party and then not look like quite as much of a hypocrite.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
-Douglas Adams