Originally posted by irateplatypus
ok, that is fine.
just as long as we sooners can continue to cross the border once a year to roundly kick your asses in football.
the people of oklahoma
You use more players from Texas than from any other state (including OK).
team roster
Originally posted by Lebell
Bad news dude.
You have the PEACE time space agency (NASA).
Colorado has the MILITARY space agency (NORAD).
And while nukes are assembled at Pantex, Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska have the missles to deliver them.
Also, have fun with your dwindling oil.
Wyoming and Colorado have the coal.
Maybe we'll dam the Rio Grande while we're at it for some hydroelectric and divert the rest.
But if you do leave, then we'll just split Alaska into two states...both of which will still be larger than Texas...
Tough talk coming from someone in a state that used to be part of Texas until we sold the more worthless parts of it to the U.S.
I know a certain square-shaped state whose governor is from, guess where... Oh yeah, Texas.