Tips For Getting Good Sleep
While out of town on business last week, I found a book in my hotel room. It was a small book on getting good sleep and eliciting something called the Relaxation Response. I don't remember what the book was called, but I took the portion on the Relaxation Response and wrote it down, as it seemed like good advice. I thought I'd share it here.
To Elicit The Relaxation Response:
Step 1: Find a quiet, private place where you can sit or lay down and not be disturbed.
Step 2: Play relaxing music.
Step 3: Consciously feel the muscles throughout your body relax. This is accomplished by closing your eyes, then feeling relaxation gradually spread throughout your body. Silently talking yourself through this process usually helps (i.e. “I feel my toes becoming very relaxed/warm/heavy.”). Starting with the feet, feeling relaxation spread up to the head seems to work best. Feelings of relaxation may vary from warmth, heaviness, tingling or floating to nothing specific.
Step 4: Establish a relaxed, deep breathing pattern.
Step 5: Direct your attention from everyday thoughts by using a mental focusing device that is neutral and repetitive: a word such as one, relax, peace or heavy, or any word you chose. Or focus on the rise and fall of the abdomen as you breathe. For many, it is helpful to repeat a word silently with each exhalation. In meditation, this is called a “mantra.” If your thoughts return to everyday concerns, this is normal, but gently let those thoughts vanish and redirect your focus to your mantra.
It is best to elicit the Relaxation Response for about 10 to 20 minutes per day. More is fine, and you may find that 30 to 45 minutes provide a very deep state of relaxation and awareness.
Things That Help Bring On Better Sleep
1. Exercise – walking. 30 minutes at a brisk pace in bright sunlight each morning or evening.
2. Yoga
3. Expose yourself to sunlight
4. Wind down one hour before bedtime – avoid phone, arguments/emotional discussions, work-related activities, computers, bills or unpleasant TV programs. Try music, a hot bath (2 hours before bedtime), hot and kept hot for 25 minutes.
5. Make your bedroom a cue for sleep – use the bedroom for sleep and sex only.
6. Make sure you feel drowsy when you turn off the lights to go to sleep. If you don’t fall asleep within 20-30 minutes, don’t lie in bed tossing and turning. Go to another room or sit up and engage in a quiet, relaxing activity such as reading a book until drowsy, then try to sleep again.
7. Keep the bedroom cool and quiet.
8. Get out of bed around the same time every day.
You have to laugh at yourself...because you'd cry your eyes out if you didn't. - Emily Saliers