As a big Mike Patton fan, it's also interesting how they mention him (along with Dave Lombardo) as a heavy influence. It was a very nice surprise when Tool chose Fantomas to open for them during the first leg of the tour and Tomahawk for the second leg. Tool AND Mike Patton in one night... overload.
They didn't just open, too, that was the amazing thing. Each band was a part of each other's set for a few songs here and there... like members of Tool would come out during Tomahawk and play along with them, and Patton & Co. would come out during Tool's set and play along.
I can't wait to see/hear what the next release will be like. The leap from Undertow to Aenima was huge, very different, and amazing, just like the leap from Aenima to Lateralus. I imagine the next leap will be just as good. Plus, they always put some kick ass artwork in their CDs.
I love lamp.