Depends on what you're looking for. Print pub? Online? Webzine?
Sorry to say the chances of getting paid are slim to none either way you go if you aren't an "esatablished" writer.
It sounds like you're a student so the best place to start would be with the campus literary magazine. I guarantee there is atleast 1 that welcomes the original works of student writers and artists.
There are contests that you can enter too. Local newspapers sometimes have literary contests, and lots of cities have local workshops or something that publish a magazine or newsletter with the works of local writers and artists. They oftentimes have contests too. There a number of websites you can check too (not sure how up to date some of these links are):
If you are writing fiction (short stories) that a different story; though I don't have much experience there.
But if you're looking to get paid for your writing you need to specialize. There are collector's magazines, fan club newsletters, hobby publications, etc that always need writers somewhere and if you can demonstrate a knowledge of the subject you may be albe to find a paying gig. From my experience you don't even need to be an especially good writer either. I've read some dreadful stuff written by people who seem to have only the most basic undestanding of the Enlglish language.
I would suggest you check into some trade magazines or newletters dealing with whatever type of Engineering you are studying.
Hope that helps a bit.