Originally posted by Lebell
Not really.
The reason we made that rule was because people where just posting silly photoshops of Kerry and Bush that did nothing to make a conversation, but were only posted for the laugh.
Since I assume you are talking about the Hamas "PEZ" pic above, my take on it is that it makes a point about Hamas, namely that they crank out martyrs like PEZ candies.
To me that is a comment and not mindless cartoon.
But if you want, I'll kick around with some more mods for a consensus opinion.
It doesnt offend me in the least: whether I agree or disagree; members should have the right to express themselves as they choose. Personally when someone uses art or other types of media; I think it makes the conversation more interesting and Im all for it. I didnt see the images of Bush and Kerry; but it brings up a question- What if the images you mention were that members way of "making a point"? Whether done humorously or not- "its your take". I can fully appreciate the occasional burdens the responsibility of being a mod must carry with it, but is there not a difference moderating in preventing against personal attacks and flame wars vs deciding on value of what a person is trying to say in their way of saying it?
I understand this might be something close to the freedom of speech thing and how far and in what capacity a person is allowed to carry out such desires before it crosses the line. It just seems to be an emense responsibilty to be the one to choose and say what is considered a waste of political forum space better left for the humor area when someone else may have a different take- and the same for the reverse. And perhaps thats what beign a mod is all about. I also read you loud and clear that moderators do the best they can and no one is perfect. So I'll just slip a note in the cyber comment box:
Why not just make OK to either allow images or not? The possibility of bias persuasion whether conscious or subconscious may surface in an easier fashion with having to interpret other individuals thoughts expressed via visual communication. In my opinion that would be a step in the wrong direction.