Congrat to Artest. I stated at the beginning of the season that he was the key to the Pacers fortunes. He has matured nicely and is a force to be reckoned with.
Too bad about the suspension, though. A couple of steps in the direction of a teammate in trouble, and he gets canned. If he had gone all the way to the altercation, he'd desrve the sit-down. But he stopped and turned back. That should have been recognized by the league as a BIG chunk of self-control.
RE: Ben Wallace... his personal numbers were a bit down this year, defensively, but Detroit's TEAM defense was much better all season long, and especially after the Rasheed addition. Artest had a better season, individually, than Ben. For Ben's part, he has been very gracious and congratulatory, like the true sportsman and gentleman that he has always been.
I hope the Pacers and Pistons get to play each other in the conference finals. That would be the best series of the entire playoffs!
"Regret can be a harder pill to swallow than failure .With failure you at least know you gave it a chance..." David Howard