Originally posted by sixate
To all the people who say fuck Stern... You just don't fucking get it. The government is trying to shut him up. They are trying to take away free speech. It's a bunch on far right conservative christians wanting to tell me, you, and everyone else America what we should watch, say, and do. Now, you may hate Stern, but if they silence him, what makes you think they can't silence you and anyone else? This is a free country. We do have the freedom to say whatever we want. Because of this shit that's going on with the Stern show I will not be voting for Bush... As much as I hate to say it.... It looks like Kerry will be getting my vote.
I listen to Stern every day, and the FCC totally targets him. There's things that he can't say, but I hear other "shock jocks" on local stations saying stuff that he can't. It's complete bullshit. Just because you hate Stern that doesn't mean that he doesn't have the right to do his show. For the FCC to take his show off of 6 markets,where he was #1 in all of them, is fucking horseshit. If people don't want to hear him then they don't have to put him on. Change the dial and ignore him. That's how to get rid of him, but the fact is there's millions of people who love him because he's just fucking funny. The government shouldn't be taking him off the air, and I would strongly suggest that anyone else who loves their free speech to support Stern, or it may be you or someone you like next. Is that what it's gonna take to make you realize what's going on. It really pisses me off that people just don't give a fuck about this at all.
I agree totally, except that the Government is not trying to take him off the air. They are trying to force him off the air by fining him huge amounts of money on every offense. I love listening to Stern, I freaking abhor Oprah, but regardless, I still want my freedom of speech upheld for everyone equally. If you don't like what you watch on TV, turn the fucking station. If you don't like what is on the radio, turn the dial. We, as Americans, have CHOICES of how we want to live our lives. When Government starts to dictate what they think is right for me, I get pissy!
I already wrote to the FCC and detailed how I find their witch hunt of Stern a complete farce when they let things like Oprah slide right on by.
Janet should have kept her tit indoors!